Are the Areas Around Your Pockets Torn? - Tsumugi-kaketsugi

Are the Areas Around Your Pockets Torn?

Pockets are essential in our daily clothing, but they are prone to various problems due to frequent use. These problems can include tears, wear, deformation, and issues with zippers or buttons. Today, we’ll explain the common issues around pockets and how to address them.

●Tears and Wear at the Pocket Edges

The pressure from carrying bulky and heavy items such as wallets and smartphones can cause tears and wear at the pocket openings. This problem is particularly common in the back pockets of slim-fit trousers.

[Before Repair] Slacks pocket edge (hole) and entrance (wear)
[After Repair] Slacks pocket edge – Some color difference due to wear from use
[Before Repair] Coat pocket entrance (wear)
[After Repair] Coat pocket entrance – Repaired by weaving extracted threads from the original fabric

[Prevention Tips]

  • Avoid carrying heavy items in pockets: Reduce the burden on pockets by carrying large wallets, keys, smartphones, etc., in a bag.
  • Empty pockets regularly: After use, empty pockets and reshape them.

Holes and Tears Inside and Outside the Pockets

Holes in pockets are often caused by frequently carrying hard items like coins or keys. While it’s best to have holes in suits repaired by professionals, casual items like denim can be patched at home, allowing you to enjoy the unique design of your repairs.

[Before Repair] Jacket pocket (hole)
[After Repair] Jacket pocket – Neatly finished with no color fading due to relatively new fabric
[Before Repair] Suede coat pocket entrance (tear)
[After Repair] Suede coat pocket entrance – Repairable for soft leather

[Prevention Tips]

  • Place hard or snagging items elsewhere: Reduce pocket burden by carrying keys and smartphones in a bag.
  • Empty pockets regularly: After use, empty pockets and reshape them. Avoid putting hands in pockets on cold days as it can cause tears.

● Other Repair Methods Besides Kake-tsugi

There are various repair methods besides kake-tsugi, and it’s important to choose the appropriate one based on the type of clothing, size, and location of the damage.

  • Hand-sewing repairs: Small damages can be reinforced with similar thread or fabric.
  • Machine stitching repairs: Known as machine patching, this method uses a sewing machine to sew and cover tears or holes. It is less expensive than kake-tsugi but leaves traces, so it is often used in inconspicuous places. Commonly used for denim repairs and as a design feature in distressed jeans. Note: If kake-tsugi is performed on an area previously machine-patched, it often requires a larger area than the original damage. Carefully consider the repair method initially.
[Before Repair] Slacks pocket edge (machine patching repair)
[After Repair] Slacks pocket edge (machine patching undone and repaired with kake-tsugi)


Pockets are prone to frequent problems due to their high usage. While avoiding pocket use is ideal, it’s often impractical. If you notice damage, consult a professional repair shop promptly. Proper repairs can extend the life of your clothing. By utilizing these techniques in everyday life, you can enjoy a more comfortable and stylish fashion life.