homeblogMake Your Suit Last Longer! Preventing Wear on the Underarms and Crotch
Make Your Suit Last Longer! Preventing Wear on the Underarms and Crotch
Have you ever noticed the armpits or crotch of your suit are worn out while the rest looks fine? It’s frustrating when your favorite suit is unwearable due to these areas getting damaged. Wear in the armpits and crotch is a common issue in daily life, caused by friction, pressure, and fabric quality. In this article, we’ll explore the causes of this problem and how to prevent it.
Causes of Wear and Tear
Friction Movements like walking or sitting cause the fabric to rub against your shirt, underwear, or skin, leading to wear. The armpits and crotch are particularly vulnerable since they move the most. Wool fabric is prone to a phenomenon called felting, which occurs when moisture (sweat) and friction cause the fibers to shrink and mat together. Once fabric becomes felted, it cannot return to its original state, so early intervention is essential.
Pressure Actions like sitting, walking, or running apply pressure to your clothes, particularly to the crotch and armpits. Suits aren’t designed to withstand strenuous physical activity, but in today’s diverse job environments, suits may experience significant wear, especially for those in physically demanding jobs or commuting by bike.
Fabric Quality Low-quality fabrics or fibers are more prone to wear. Some fibers may also have different levels of durability depending on the conditions they are exposed to.
Prevention Measures
Choosing the Right Size
Proper sizing: Wearing suits and jackets that fit well helps avoid unnecessary friction and pressure. Clothing that’s too tight increases the chances of wear and tear.
Opt for Durable Fabrics
High-quality materials: Choosing thicker, more durable fabrics can help reduce wear. Certain synthetic fibers, for example, may have better abrasion resistance than natural fibers.
Reducing Friction
Use products to reduce friction: Anti-static sprays or detergents for delicate clothing can improve the durability of your garments.
Two-pants suits: If your slacks tend to wear out quickly, buying a suit that comes with two pairs of pants is recommended. Alternating between two pairs reduces the damage to the fabric in the crotch area.
Protecting the Fabric
Crotch reinforcement: Wearing trousers with a crotch lining (gusset) helps reduce damage from sweat and friction, preventing tears. Many slacks come with gussets sewn in, and they can be added later if necessary.
Armpit reinforcements: Underarm pads (arm shields) are effective. These triangular pads sewn into the armpit area help absorb sweat and prevent it from soaking into the outer fabric. They also reduce friction, protecting the suit from wear.
Proper Washing Methods
Washing techniques and detergents: Turning your clothes inside out when washing, and using a laundry net, reduces friction during the wash cycle and prevents wear. Detergents designed for delicate fabrics often contain silicone or softening agents that coat fibers during washing, minimizing damage.
Regular Maintenance
Early intervention: If you notice wear, get it repaired as soon as possible. This will prevent further damage. Small holes or tears are relatively easy to repair and can be mended cleanly. If you’re unsure whether the damage is too extensive or too tricky to fix yourself, consult a professional repair shop.
By implementing these prevention measures, you can significantly reduce wear and tear on your beloved suits. Choosing the right size and material, regular maintenance, and proper care are key to extending the life of your garments.
◎ Reweaving Repair Example 1 (Jacket Armpit Wear)
◎ Reweaving Repair Example 2 (Suit Pants Crotch Wear and Hole)